We are pleased to announce that our Castle Podsreda and Rooms and Apartments at Castle Podsreda have recently become proud bearers of the Slovenia Green Attraction and Slovenia Green Accommodation signs, thus further enhancing our green commitment to sustainable development and operation.

Podsreda Castle - Green Route Since 2017

Kozjanski Park, managing Castle Podsreda, has been a member of the family of four parks holding the Slovenia Green Park sign since 2017. It is also part of the common tourist destination Podčetrtek, which bears the Slovenia Green Destination sign. Recently, with the acquisition of the Green Key certificate, we have proudly become bearers of the Slovenia Green Attraction sign for Castle Podsreda and the Slovenia Green Accommodation sign for Rooms and Apartments at Castle Podsreda, thus further enhancing our green commitment to sustainable development and operation.

The Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism (ZSST) is a comprehensive national system designed to promote the development of sustainable tourism in Slovenia across all pillars of sustainable development—environmental, social, and economic. Under the overarching brand SLOVENIA GREEN, it brings together all efforts for the sustainable development of tourism in Slovenia, providing destinations and providers with specific tools for assessing and improving sustainable practices. Through the SLOVENIA GREEN brand, it promotes this green operation.

At the conclusion of the last calls, 59 destinations held the sign, and with providers included, there are over 270 members of the green family. This indicates that Slovenian tourism providers increasingly recognize the importance of responsible tourism development.

The "Green Key" certification

With the beginning of this year, Podsreda Castle has initiated the process of obtaining the GREEN KEY certification, which is one of the internationally recognized labels that are a prerequisite for participation in the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism. By signing the Green Pledge of Slovenian Tourism, through which we responsibly accepted 10 sustainable principles, we committed to sustainable operations and continuous efforts for improvement.

The acquisition of the Green Key sign was also applied for under the Public Call for the Promotion of the Introduction of Environmental and Sustainable Labels for Providers in Catering and Tourism, issued by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Tourism, and Sports, and we were successful.

Grad Podsreda - Leading Green Practices in the Savinja Region

A few days ago, we also became part of the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism by receiving the Slovenia Green Attraction label for Podsreda Castle and Slovenia Green Accommodation for the Rooms and apartments at Podsreda Castle.

Podsreda Castle has thus become the first green attraction in the wider Savinja region. The rooms and apartments at Podsreda Castle have joined two other green accommodations in the Podčetrtek destination. This recognition confirms our commitment to responsible tourism experiences.

The acquisition of the SLOVENIA GREEN label provides benefits on two levels: professional assistance in the development of sustainable tourism and promotion facilitated by the Slovenian Tourist Board for label holders. The Slovenian Tourist Board plans and implements promotional activities that support sustainable efforts in the projects of included destinations, providers, and parks.

Care for nature inside and outside the castle walls

At Grad Podsreda, we are implementing a sustainable vision that connects rich heritage with nature conservation:

1. **Energy Conservation:** Implementing smart lighting practices to save energy.
2. **Waste Separation:** Encouraging waste separation and promoting the use of tap water.
3. **Use of Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products:** Utilizing ecological cleaning agents.
4. **Water Conservation Measures:** Implementing water-saving measures, including low-pressure showers and low-water-consumption toilets.
5. **Collaboration with Local Farms:** Partnering with local farms for fresh and quality ingredients.
6. **Support for Nature-Friendly Activities:** Supporting environmentally friendly experiences such as hiking and cycling.

**Green Castle Shop:** Our castle shop offers local products, emphasizes organic items, and supports providers associated with the Collective Brand Sožitje-Kozjanski Park.

**Carbon Footprint Reduction:** Actively participating in initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint, both in terms of external services we engage with and by promoting eco-friendly activities for our guests.

Podsreda Castle and the rooms and apartments at Podsreda Castle have become part of the association of Slovenian destinations and tourist providers that strive for the sustainable development of tourism.

Within the ancient castle walls, we proudly implement the essence of sustainable operation and strive to reduce the negative impact on the environment through green practices in the areas of maintenance, services, logistics and products. We strive to reduce the amount of waste and eliminate plastic from our operations, and with environmentally friendly alternatives we protect the delicate balance of the surroundings and offer visitors an experience that is friendly to nature.

In the heart of the untouched nature of Kozjanski Park, we offer unique and premium green tourism experiences, crafted in collaboration with local providers in the area.

A visit to Grad Podsreda and staying in the rooms and apartments at Grad Podsreda is not only an exceptional experience but also an opportunity to explore the local environment and contribute to sustainable tourism.

We actively implement responsible environmental practices and a sustainable business policy across various areas through numerous activities:

1. **Energy Conservation:** We save energy by turning off lights with motion sensors and by implementing time restrictions on lighting.

2. **Waste Separation:** We carefully separate waste and recommend drinking clean tap water to guests and visitors.

3. **Use of Eco-Friendly Products:** We use eco-friendly cleaning agents, personal care products, organic toilet paper, and eco-friendly towels.

4. **Water Conservation:** We invest in water-saving measures, including low-flow showers and low-water-consumption toilets.

5. **Towel and Linen Usage:** In our accommodations, we encourage thoughtful towel usage and linen replacement upon request, contributing to energy and natural resource conservation.

6. **Nature’s Cycle Respect:** We promote the return of glass packaging for reuse, respecting the natural cycle of materials.

7. **Carbon Footprint Reduction:** We collaborate with nearby farms, supplying them with fresh and high-quality local ingredients, thus reducing our carbon footprint.

Our external partners, such as cleaning services and laundry facilities, have committed to using eco-friendly cleaning products.

In Kozjanski Park and Podsreda Castle, we are proud to be accepted into the “green Slovenian family” and at the same time firmly determined to continue to contribute to the preservation of a clean natural environment with our sustainable approach, initiatives and incentives in the field of sustainable development.


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